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American realtors and mortgage brokers want Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Free from Conservatorship

Make A Difference Today!

There are several ways you can engage in helping to end conservatorship for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  If you are an American concerned about the future of our country, a realtor, mortgage broker, shareholder, or just don’t believe Fannie and Freddie Mac should be in conservatorship after 16-years, please take the following steps. 

Step 1

Signup to receive the latest news and information on the progress of ending conservatorship.

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Step 2

Send a letter or email to your government representatives expressing your concern. Or, with your consent, we will send it for you on your behalf.

Sample Letter to Mail (Mircosoft Word .docx)

Sample Letter to Email (Mircosoft Word .docx)

Step 3

Through social media, let friends, family members, and coworkers know about how the conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is impacting you and them. Join our Facebook Group and start sharing today!

Step 4

Support this cause by donating to the cause. (coming soon)

Step 5 - Become a Volunteer

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How would you like to make an impact?